After School Grants: What You Must Know About Them


after school grantsEducation is a vital part of our life. In fact, a person spends an average of 16 years attending school to learn various things that will help him in the future. But based on studies, the length of time spent inside the classroom may not be enough for them to grasp on the subjects and lessons taught to them. Some students need a more focused teaching and special lessons beyond the class hours. Due to this, many nonprofit organizations (NPOs) offer after school grants and programs to these students.

In the US and some other countries, the phrase “after school program” has become a household name to all pupils and parents. Most of the NPOs offer these services to poor and at-risk youths, students coming from low-income families, and for children from the minority groups. These services are mostly offered free.

Many groups in the U.S. are interested in supporting projects related to after school projects. They give funding aid to worthy causes that include, but not limited to the following programs.

  • Literacy programs.
    Literacy has always been the bedrock of learning. Through these programs, students enhance their knowledge, skills, and mastery of learning areas such as reading, spelling, and computer education.
  • Tutorials.
    Teachers focus more on each student so that they will better understand topics such as reading, math, grammar, science, and foreign languages.
  • Homework assistance.
    Students who find it hard to do their homework can ask for help through after school activities. Usual home assignments include problem solving, math computations, and others.

Proposal for After School Grants

When all your plans for the project are set, it is now time to write an effective proposal for after school grants. Although there are many groups interested in funding these meaningful projects, applicants still need to submit a formal request for funds. Sending a “not so good” proposal will fail to catch the attention of the grantor, hence, blowing up your chances of receiving funding for your project. To help you write a great application, here are some tips that you need to heed.

Introduce your firm.

Give a detailed info on the history, mission and vision statements, and key staffs.

Cite the reasons of need for the project.

Justify your cause and support each reason with related studies and research.

Specify the goal of the group in pursuing the project.

Cite the objectives that you need to accomplish in attaining the goal.

Tell more about the project.

Funders are very much interested in knowing their specifics. Give details on location, target audience, services, supporters, advertising, and timeline of activities.

Give the grantor an idea on what to expect after the project has been finished.

Cite the long term effect that it will leave on the program beneficiaries, the community, and the state as a whole.

All the tips given above will surely help you to obtain after school grants from concerned people and firms. But for best results, it is better to let the experts do the grant writing for they have enough knowledge and experience in this field.

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