Church Grant Writing: Asking for Financial Manna


Many of our churches rely solely on the small gifts from its community, that’s why it often goes that starving ministries are as proverbial as “God is love” and “Seek ye first thy Kingdom of God.”

Most of our churches are not aware that there are people willing to give financial aid so that they can do more charity work and support missionaries. Some laymen even starve just to give some more. Little did they know that they could do more than that if they just try to find funds somewhere else, aside from the little amounts they receive from the people. The fact is that they could help more people and renew more souls. This religious group is one influential but sleeping giant because its kindness embraces all, however, they are yet on the process of realizing it before it can use its influence to cascade its good deeds, or multiply the bread as they would like to put it.

Whatever prevents them from asking for more, whether its perception about wealth or being plain reticent to asking boons outside their bounds, one thing is for sure: many people out there are willing to give and are just waiting to be asked by them.

Tips in Church Grant Writing

For the ministries who have great needs but still haven’t tried looking from some outside charity, we are here to guide you on how to start your church grant writing:

  • Sort out what’s lacking. List all the things that your ministry needs to improve. Is the population growing so you have to widen the chapel? Do you need more teaching materials for religious education? Are there too many poor that your limited outreach funds can’t cover them all? List them so that you’ll be able to receive exactly what you ask for.
  • Discuss your ideas with all the ministries and committees you have. In that way, you’ll be able to know what you should prioritize and what you should emphasize to the grantor.
  • Find an expert writer who has the knowledge in creating the type of proposal. Look at their sample works, the outline of the funding application and provide all the info they need to be able to convince the funder.
  • Develop a good list of the agencies and groups where you could ask for help. Make sure that your beliefs align with theirs, or if not, at least alike to your faith. Look for their qualifications and see if your needs are compatible to the funding assistance they are willing to endow.
  • Never forget to record your activities and ministries. This will make your funders trust you and your project. Give them adequate details about your church even if you already assume that they knew it already.

Lastly, believe that through church grant writing, you are helping more people. Learn that the greater charity comes not from shying away to outside donors and starve believing that your hunger helps the poor and the lost. Have faith, know that you will be provided what you need as a community bound by grace.

As the old adage goes, “Knock and it shall be opened unto you.”