Grant Funding For Nonprofits: Fire Prevention Awards


Fire Prevention Grants

Fire is a disaster that can wiper out lives and properties. This often takes place in hot seasons. Unlike earthquakes and tsunamis, you can keep it from happening. Thus, local communities search for fire prevention grants. These grant funding for nonprofits equip them to fight fire.

Searching Grant Funding For Nonprofits

If you are a nonprofit, here are some funders that can support your projects:

FEMA Fire Prevention and Safety Grants

Its annual grant is to open to all fire departments. National, regional, state, local, Native American tribes, and community groups can apply for funding. It funds projects that install smoke alarm and sprinkler. Aside from firefighting tools, they also aid fire safety campaigns, and firefighter’s training. You may visit for more information.

FEMA Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants

It funds projects that focus on increasing front line firefighters.  They give funds annually and fire departments, volunteer firefighter, or groups can apply for the grant. You may visit for more details.

FM Global Fire Prevention Grant Program

FM Global gives grants to groups that work to fight fire. These could be fire departments and brigades, or  national, state, regional, local, and community groups. It funds fire prevention, preparedness and control efforts. Kindly visit to know how you can win the grant.

Fireman’s Fund Heritage Program

This nationwide community-based program funds firefighting equipment, tools, training, fire safety education, and emergency response projects. If you are a local fire department, firefighter group, and burn prevention/treatment organization, you may apply for the grant. To get the fund, you may go to

Like other disasters, fires can happen anytime. But, we can prepare to lessen the risks brought by fire. Aside from personal efforts, there are funding for fire prevention projects. These are not limited to the list above. There are other sources out there. Some could even come right from your own city or state.

Apart from going to these sites, you need to follow their guidelines and write a good proposal. Writing your request may take time and skills, but this sure brings a good pay back. If you need help, you may turn to grant writing services. They have expert writers to help you so that you can focus on your noble works.