How to Write Grant Proposal for Feeding Programs


Grant ProposalA grant would help a group to fulfill its social service initiatives. But, writing proposals require expertise. If you’re only good at serving other people, how to write grant proposal that can help you win the fund?

Let’s take, for instance, a feeding program that you plan in your community. First, find out what drives you to scheme out this program. What is the main problem? Is it poverty? Is it malnutrition? Or is it the low-income status of the people? These are factors you must include on your proposal. Focus on one need to provide a clear view of your purpose. Also, state how you will solve the problem.

Practical Tips in Writing Grant Proposal for Feeding Programs

1. Have a good mission and vision statement.

You must be clear on explaining your aims for having the feeding program. In this way, the funder will have an idea about your real intentions.

2. A good proposal is thoroughly researched.

There are reliable websites that can help you write a grant proposal. Do surveys to obtain useful data. Provide the funders with proof why you want a feeding program in the area. Study the group, community, or area you wanted to serve. Poverty status, income of every household, food insecurity, and other related topics must be true and accurate. Through this, the funder will understand that there is really a need and you deserve the free monies.

3. The budget plan must be reasonable.

Funders have certain amounts that they can give. You must present a complete detailed plan to show how you will use the money. Allotting more for food is a must. Also, include the kind of meals or foods you will feed to recipients.

4. Project schedules and work plans are also important.

This will be your guide in planning the program systematically. A work plan includes the staff responsible for the tasks. Every plan must be done at a certain time to make sure that they are properly implemented. Conducting a feeding program is not an easy challenge, especially for those who are new to it. You have to consider the great responsibility to bear. A feeding program does not only have to do with giving food, but also teaching them the importance of food and proper nutrition. In this way, you make them realize that earning a living will help their families afford a three or more square-meal a day.

5. Be open and creative.

In this way, you will be able to help many people who are in need. There will be a lot of opportunities for you and your organization. There are also numerous foundations that give grants to feeding programs.

You write a proposal to explain your reasons and ways to solve the problem. What’s more, this written request can convince funders to support you. In case, you can’t make a good one, then find grant writing services to help you.