Winning Grant Proposals: What Makes Them Convincing?

expert grant writer reviewing client information for custom grant-writing

It really takes time before someone learns how to write. I can vividly recall how I started to write a single stroke and asked my mother if I did it right. I was 5 years old then and was about to enter schooling.

By the time I entered kindergarten and through the help of my mother, I learned the basics of education: writing, reading, counting, and even speaking. I just would like to emphasize that I could perfectly write letters, numbers, and symbols the way they should be written.

As I age, I get the chance to know the essence of writing. Now, I can say that it is more than just lines, curves, and strokes. I believe that it has a deeper meaning and only the writer can express it.

In most cases, the “soul” of writing can be best seen on formal type. Let’s have writing grant proposals as an example.

A “real” writer is versatile, open-minded, and creative. He is knowledgeable and is willing to learn new various things each moment. We can say a writer is “good” if he doesn’t just get the attention of the reader but if his writing influences the people in any way possible.

In grant writing, the writer is expected to craft an effective application that convinces potential grantors.

Writing Winning Grant Proposals

Unlike any other form of writing, creating a funding application is far different. You have to consider a lot of factors for you to produce something good. These factors are:


One vital factor is the purpose of the application. The writer ought to relate to his reader the reason why a certain firm or group is seeking help from the foundation. Once this purpose is clearly presented, the grantor will have a better idea of the project.


Since a proposal seems like telling a story, the entire document should be consistent when it comes to its content. Inconsistencies are sometimes seen on info pertaining to project itself.

Flexibility or Custom-fit

It is a factor outside of the writing proper. This pertains to the flexibility of the writer in crafting the draft. The writer must know the project very well. He should try to place himself as if he’s both the facilitator and the beneficiary at the same time. Also, he should place himself as if he owns the proposal himself.


This is another outside factor. This means that a writer must know the specifics of grant writing— the contents or the sections to be included, the rules in writing this type, and all other requirements set by the grantor. The use of all his knowledge and acquired thoughts will surely help in crafting winning grant proposals.

When all these factors are considered and those pieces of advice are followed, then a funding application can be convincing.

Always bear in mind this reminder: the submission of any proposal to a funding agency that is very much interested in the project that you would offer is not an assurance that you will get funded. Remember that the decision of all the funders depends on how an organization presents the idea through the created winning grant proposals.

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