You have gone through a lot, from writing your ideas, searching for collaborators, to submitting the proposal. You almost gave up, but you stood still. It was worth your time and effort, though—your project has been funded. Now, the real work comes in. You and your team started working. With the turn of events, you are sure of yourself now—you want to quit. You cannot bear the complexities that are involved in your endeavor. You have realized that you were not 100 percent sure when you thought of applying for grant assistance. You were just too excited with the thought of competing for grant dollars. Now, you do not feel the excitement anymore. Your mistake—you did not make a self-assessment before doing all these.
What You Should Have Done
The above scenario often involved grant seekers. Do not be in the same predicament. Make a self-assessment before applying for a grant. Below are some suggestions that you may consider in writing for grants:
1. If you have doubts the first time, do not continue with your plans.
Especially with grants, once you have started it, there is no way you must back out. Grant projects require hard work—really hard work. You have to be sure of your every move. You have to make sure that you can achieve your goals.
2. If you think you have a very good idea or a feasible project, ask yourself: “Can I do it alone?”
Be truthful. Do not take much of the load if you really can’t. Look for partners. They can help ease your burden and, more importantly, they can serve as your motivating factor to apply for grant.
3. Do not be overwhelmed with the thought that you are eligible to apply for a grant.
Do not let your excitement ‘eat’ you. You may not be able to think straight and think ahead. You may be able to miss some key points, which you must consider before taking an initial step toward grant application. Now, what are these key points? For one, the grant may require you to collaborate with a local agency or organization. Can you do this? Next, it may ask you to create jobs for about 20 employees. Is it possible with your project? It does pay to check some important details first before making a ‘splurge.’
4. Are you a hard worker?
If yes, then, go on with your plans. Are you a procrastinator? Then, think twice. This behavior will not help you produce positive outcomes. Are you a motivator? Then, you will make a good partner or team worker.
5. Do you have a lot of ideas for the project?
Are you making notes of these ideas? Do you own an organizer? Are you making full use of it? Have you already visualized the outcomes of your project? Do you already feel happy with the thought of creating a positive impact to the society? If your answers to all these questions are “Yes”, well then, you sure have the drive and vision to accomplish your project goals.
As mentioned in so many articles and web sites, applying for a grant cannot be made with a snap of a hand. Writing a grant proposal is not actually the beginning of your journey. It is basically when you are awarded of funds. Applying for grants require hard work, motivation, and positive outlook. It is not wrong to think twice before making a move. Think of it as being careful. Because once you start, there’s no reason for you to stop.
Have a hard time writing for grants? Seek our help.