Writing for Grants: Can a Catchy Title Gives You the Edge?


Did you ever ask what would move reviewers to turn the pages of your proposal? Imagine a stack of 300 grants to review and a limited time to do it. If you place yourself in their shoes, what will you do? You might sort out things based on appeal or impression, right?

Competition will be tough as applicants increase. Therefore, you need to have an edge against them. You need to use tactics in writing for grants. Now, is having a catchy proposal title will grab the reviewers’ attention?

Though there are no proof that catchy titles can help, yes, it will grab interest.

Although funding institutions has a standard format, the initial “battle” lies on your proposal’s title. A unique and striking title can stir curiosity, prompting reviewers to prioritize your request. Titles may not be the major deciding factors. But, it creates an impact to reviewers.

Catchy Title is Important in Writing for Grants

Here are ways to make your proposal title catchy:

1. Make it informative.

Tell right away what your proposal is up to through a title that describes your project. Whether it is for training a bunch of kids to eat vegies, say so.  Give readers the hint on what to look forward if they approve your program. Take for instance the title “A grant proposal that aims to encourage teens to exercise.” It sounds dull and  lackluster, right? Instead, use “Improving Holistic Wellness and Self-Confidence of Teenagers through Exercise.” This way, you are pushing reviewer’s to read and know your project more.

2. Pierce the emotion without being too sugary.

Titles need to be unique and smartly appealing, but don’t try to overdo. As much as possible, maintain the professional look of your grant proposal. Don’t be too sentimental. It will make your title soft and informal. Strike at the emotion by using strong and inspiring words that will sway readers.

3. Turn on the curiosity.

Avoid run-off-the-mill titles to make readers ask why and how. Something strange and new can attract everyone. So, having a striking grant proposal title can drive grant reviewers to read your proposal. Make it sound exciting to be able to get their interest.

But still, never place your focus on an appealing proposal title. You have to work hard on the content. Even if the title could pin down the reviewers, it would be a waste once you fail to justify the importance of your project.

As we all know, there is nothing certain when you apply for grants. You may get a yes or a no. It all depends on how convincing your grant proposal is. After all, there is no harm in taking chances.

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